Sluggers Weekly Clinics

At Silver Sluggers Academy, we take instruction far beyond mechanics and basic drills. We take a 360° approach to teach players how to compete physically and mentally in games when it counts! We teach advanced mechanics and drills with a simplistic approach so that players at all levels are comfortable with the instruction, yet challenged in workouts. We mentor players to continue developing skills after clinics by remaining accountable and coachable.

We teach an effective combination of:

*Drills and physical repetition
*Knowledge of mechanics and fundamentals
*Mental approach to get the most out of practice and games
*Preparation, attention to detail, anticipation
*And most importantly, the work ethic to earn our success on and off the field.

Clinic Options

Weekly Skills Clinics
    Go to our Program Page for Details on information on our current clinics             

Seasonal Clinics - Thanksgiving, Holiday, Spring Training

Specialty Clinics - Data and Metrics with Rapsodo

Team Clinics (contact us)

We also work with teams, leagues and coaches throughout Wisconsin. Contact us for details on how we can work with your organization to develop your players’ skills.